Mary Christine

Mary Christine

Mary Christine’s blog “Anonymous Alcoholic” is a joy to read. She is an online presence in the recovery community that is valued and loved by many. Mary Christine shares her daily life with us and also her life as a sober member of alcoholics anonymous. When Mary Christine talks about going to a meeting and doing her sponsor work one feels they there with her. When she writes about the good feelings of sitting at a meeting between her sponsor and her sponsoree, knowing the chain of recovery that is represented by the 3 of them, one feels those feelings also as if you are there and a part of the chain. Mary Christine has a comforting way about her. Like good potatoe soup on a cold day… her writings are comforting, filling and satisfying. She has a gift of expressing herself through her writing that is able to be felt as well as read. We are grateful that Mary Christine is in our life through her writings and for her sobriety. Mary Christine takes no credit for her sobriety. She states that she was just a terrible alcoholic that thankfully made it through the doors of AA in ’84. Mary Christine just celebrated her 23rd sobriety birthday. Happy Birthday Mary Christine! We love ya and are blessed because you are in our online recovery community. Click here to go to Mary C’s website Anonymous Alcoholic.