Entertaining videos

Entertaining Videos


Enjoy our hand chosen videos… some are recovery oriented,some are a little mischevious and others may pull on a heart string or two. No matter what, now that we are sober we are living life to the fullest… enjoying the moment.

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Hello Walls by Sheb Wooly

Sheb was a character actor and singer. He played Pete Nolan on “Rawhide” with Clint Eastwood among his many television acting parts. He is most famous for his 1958 novelty hit song “The Purple People Eater”. I like Sheb best when he sang as his alter ego “Ben Colder”. Ben Colder was a garden variety drunk that sang remakes of famous country songs. Sheb was sort of the Weird Al Yankovick of his time. Here is another Sheb Wooley aka “Ben Colder” singing Fifteen Beers Ago, a parody of Charlie Pride’s song Fifteen Years Ago.


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