Stevie Ray Vaughan

Stevie Ray Vaughan

Texas blues legend Stevie Ray Vaughan died in a helecopter crash Aug. 27, 1990 at age 35. He was about 2 years clean and sober at the time. During the mid 1980’s Stevie was battling alcoholism and drug addiction. Thank God he had a place to go. Today there continues to be a Stevie Ray Vaughan Award given to artist who have tackled their demons and given back to the community. The first recipient was Eric Clapton. Others that have been given the award include David Crosby and most recently James Hetfield. Click here to read where Stevie is talking about his addiction and working the program or to read more about Stevie Ray Vaughan click here. Stevie’s last album was “In Step” with the hits “Wall of Denial” and Walking The “Tightrope”. Sound familiar?